Festival of Hope

The Christmas concert organised by my church last night was a blast! Here are a few of the pics I took during the concert. The more arty ones were taken during the full-dress rehearsal the night before as I could move around more freely. As expected, light levels were very low and I had to push my camera's ISO much higher than I'm comfortable with (started with ISO 800 but normally worked with ISO 1100). I was probably being over-ambitious but I decided not to use flash and just tried to get my shots sharp.

Of course, all pics went through quite a bit of photoshopping to remove colour-cast, noise, and increase contrast and brightness. A number of the pics are not as sharp as I'd like them to be (due to noise reduction in photoshop, and I suspect, jittery hands due to the slow shutter speed), but I guess I have to live with that. I don't own a 70-200 f/2.8!

Unless of course, someone would generously buy me one...


December 8, 2008 at 3:30 PM Anonymous said...

As expected, I had to use ISO 1600. And with 200mm, f/5.6 and ISO 1600 you can't shoot brilliant photos, of course.

I really should invest in some nice lenses in the future... ;-)

Beside of still shots I've done several short video clips. At least they give an impression. But sadly the audio quality of these small cameras is just bad and a shame, when you take into account the beautiful voices of the choir...

